April 5, 2013

"Flat" Broke

When I first laid eyes on these Jenni Kayne flats while reading "Cupcakes and Cashmere," I was shocked to find out how dang expensive they were. I'm in my twenties, and I'm not made out of money. (Hence, "Flat" Broke... I take after my fathers humor.) I figured they must have been made out of gold with leather imported from Italy. Ok, well not really THAT nice, but you get what I'm saying. One of my favorite fellow bloggers BSoup, happened to be sporting an almost identical pair when I came to find that she spent nearly a fraction of the price on hers. And may I say, she styles them fabulously! So what's it to ya? REAL... or DEAL??
xoxo, MT


  1. Wow- they look exactly alike. Go with the deal! :)

    Happy Friday!


  2. I think it depends! Certain really iconic designs, like the CO kitty flats or red-bottomed Louboutin pumps, I would rather hold off and go for real. But these? No one knows the Jenni Kayne d'Orsay flats as a thing. Go for the deal 100%!


  3. I am currently wearing the Chinese Laundry ones as I type this-- I love them! I was hesitant at first, but I am so glad I bought them. They are really comfortable and I love how they look. I totally recommend them!

  4. I actually like the yellow ones more. They're especially lovely for Spring.

    xoxo Gozika


  5. Oh, definitely the deal if they're comfortable. I wear through the most expensive of shoes just as fast as cheap ones! I like the yellow better too, anyway. :)


    Jules of Canines & Couture


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